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Meet the judges: Charly Jones 

Charly Jones, Warrant Officer, Royal Air Force

Warrant Officer Charlotte Jones was born in St Asaph, North Wales. She joined the Royal Air Force in Oct 1996 as a Personnel Administrator and was assigned to her first post at RAF Uxbridge in May 1997.

During her years as a Junior Non-Commissioned Officer she worked in various VIP roles, most notably for the Chief of the Defence Staff in Main Building, Whitehall. Following promotion to Sergeant and an assignment as a Career Manager at RAF High Wycombe, she was then selected to join the Standards and Evaluation team within RAF Career Management. During this assignment she contributed to large scale projects such as the drawdown of Op HERRICK, multiple redundancy programmes, the introduction of Through Service Career Management (a more collaborative form of CM), and assisted in the creation of an Executive pathway for Warrant Officers.

On promotion to Flight Sergeant she was selected for assignment to Officer and Technical Squadron (Air) at the Defence College of Logistics and Personnel Administration in Worthy Down, Winchester. As the units Senior RAF NCO, and Staff Sergeant Major of her Sqn, she was responsible for creating, organising, and delivering single-Service Phase 3 training to students from the Personnel Branch and Trade.

During her career she has deployed to the Falkland Islands (2003) and twice to the Middle East (2012 & 2018).

She is currently based in High Wycombe, in the role of WO Career Management Support, Standards and Evaluation and resides in Buckinghamshire with her husband Marc, daughter Maddie and 6 month old Cockapoo puppy, Nacho.